The Train a Dog Save a Warrior (TADSAW) program serves the veteran, the family and the community, by providing the warrior with a K-9 rescue ‘Battle Buddy’ and the training and tools needed to become an accredited TADSAW Warrior/Service Dog Team.
TADSAW combines the disciplines of Occupational, Physical, Psychotherapeutic and Spiritual therapy** in a single program designed to re-connect and heal the Veteran over a period of time with the training of a canine Battle Buddy.
**PROJECT OPPS:Occupational – on job training for a new and different skillPhysical – real time and hands on training, work and experiencesPsychotherapeutic – replacing and/or reducing pharmaceuticals with a holistic approach to interventionSpiritual – unconditional and nonjudgmental intervention by another party establishing the canine-human bond.
TADSAW additionally provides for the training of a Medical Alert Service Dog for any veteran’s immediate family, the spouse or children, surviving with compassion fatigue, secondary Military Induced Anxiety Depression Syndrome (MIADS), or any other mental health issue diagnosed while the veteran was deployed or on active duty.